Program overview | Projects

Code Checking - Phase 2 [Ding, CSIRO] 2004-011-B

Project participants and team members


Lan Ding

Woods Bagot

Fergus Hohnen,David Marchant

Building Commission

Moshe Gilovitz


Lan Ding- Project Leader, Robin Drogemuller, Shawn Foo, John Mashford, Cheryl McNamara

University of Sydney

John Gero, Chau Giang, Julie Jupp, Mike Rosenman

Central Node

Melissa James

Project description

The successful completion of the 2001-014-B [Drogemuller] Automated Code Checking: Feasibility Study has demonstrated that automating sophisticated code checking on building projects is feasible and that focussed implementations have a market potential. Amendments to the Building Code of Australia will be introduced in the near future. Since these amendments will increase the complexity of checking for compliance with the new provisions a software tool that eases this task is of significant interest.

This project will expand the initial work under 2001-014-B [Drogemuller] Automated Code Checking: Feasibility Study to cover the new disability provisions that will come into effect in 2005/2006

Automated code checking (Refereed conference paper)
DesignCheck (Industry publication)
DesignCheck (Video)
Code Checking Phase 2 (Video)
Note the final research report is confidential and not available