
Extra news
YourBuilding launched  
Launching YourBuilding L-R: Keith Hampson (CEO CRC for Construction Innovation), Tony Marker (Manager  Energy Efficiency, Australian Greenhouse Office), Caroline Pidcock (President ASBEC)
Launching YourBuilding L-R: Keith Hampson (CEO CRC for Construction Innovation), Tony Marker (Manager   Energy Efficiency, Australian Greenhouse Office), Caroline Pidcock (President ASBEC)

YourBuilding, Profiting From Sustainability's launch was announced by James Shevlin, First Assistant Secretary of the Policy Coordination Division, Department of Water Resources and the Environment. Sixty people attended the five star Environment Rated Stockland offices in Sydney's CBD on Friday, September 28th to welcome the new $1.5 million online encyclopedia and networking tool.                        
YourBuilding training seminars available in November.