Program overview | Projects

Interoperable Standards Development [Isokangas, Thiess] 2007-001-EP

Project participants and team members


Erik Isokangas
Queensland University of TechnologyRobin Drogemuller - Research Leader, David Neilsen
Qld Dept of Main RoadsDon Hicks
Qld Dept of Public WorksAshley Byrnes
Rider HuntJohn Oliver
ThiessErik Isokangas - Project Leader
12D (External project partner)Alan Gray, Lee Gregory, Michael Jensen

Project description

In conjunction with International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) International and the proposed Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for Roads project develop and implement interoperable standards that set the format for comprehensive interoperable digital information models in the areas of roads, site works, underground services and landscaping.
Interoperable Standards Development - Final Report