
Extra news
Early bird registrations close 8 February!
Senator the Hon. Kim Carr
Australia's Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, The Hon. Kim Carr, Senator for Victoria
Don't miss the early bird discount registration for Construction Innovation's Clients Driving Innovation: Benefiting from Innovation conference, to be held at the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa on 12-14 March 2008.
The third in our international Clients Driving Innovation series, the conference attracts key delegates from around the world.
Over three days at the beautiful five-star Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa on the Gold Coast, this conference will showcase the results of innovation in the property, design, construction and FM industry, with a focus on implementation of innovative practices and technologies.
Register online NOW! The Marriott is heavily booked during the conference period – it is highly recommended that you register and book your accommodation now.