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Ji Soo Yoon



Course of study:


PhD Architecture

Research topic:


Wayfinding in Dynamic Virtual Worlds

Since completing PhD/Masters:


Ji Soo works for Accenture in the Communications and High Tech division, developing IT programs for clients such as Telstra and the Australian Taxation Office

Research contribution to theory:


  • To contribute to the development of various forms of navigational assistance that enable both professional and non-professional visitors of a virtual environment to find their way without previous training
  • To examine the applicability of swarm intelligence based agent behaviour models for wayfinding
  • To examine the role of stigmergy in the wayfinding context
  • To develop electronic pheromones to guide agent navigation
  • To develop an alternative strategy to wayfinding within virtual worlds which better adapts to dynamically changing environments

Research contribution to industry practice:


  • Developing an alternative method to wayfinding within virtual worlds that adapts to dynamically changing environment by incorporating methods of swarm intelligence
  • By participating in the CRC-CI project