Program overview | Projects

Automated Code Checking [Drogemuller,CSIRO] 2001-014-B

Project participants and team members


Robin Drogemuller

Woods Bagot

David Marchant


Brian Ashe

Building Commission

Roger Frith


Lan Ding, Robin Drogemuller- Project Leader

University of Sydney

John Gero, Julie Jupp, Mike Rosenman

Central Node

Melissa James

Project description

This project is a scoping study to assess the capacity of object-based CAD systems to support automated checking of designs for compliance against requirements and to test the comparative strengths and suitability of two different rule checking engines EDM Model Checker and the Solibri Model Checker. The study involves the encoding of sections of the BCA relevant to access by people with disabilities (Section D3) and the deemed-to-satisfy provisions including AS 1428.1.
Automated code checking: design for access and mobility (Refereed conference paper)
DesignCheck (brochure)
Note the final research report is confidential and not available