Our partners | National collaboration | International collaboration

International Construction Research Alliance (ICALL) 

Five international research and development bodies across the Americas, Europe and the South Pacific are collaborating to achieve their collective aim of creating world best practice in international construction and property management. The foundation members have come together virtually to found the International Construction Research Alliance (ICALL).:

ICALL members will coordinate activities across four initiatives for mutual benefit and the benefit of the global construction industry:

  1. Collaborative research projects

  2. Corporate activities

  3. Researchers and exchange students

  4. Promotion and networking

International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction(CIB)

CIB membership includes more than 400 organisations and individuals, resulting in a worldwide database of over 7000 experts covering virtually all aspects of research in building and construction. CIB facilitates international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in the technical, economic, environmental and organisational aspects of building and construction.

Our Governing Board Chair services CIBs Administration, and Marketing and Communications committees. CIB has formed Task Group 58 - Clients and Construction Innovation under the joint coordination of Professor Peter Brandon (University of Salford) and Professor Keith Hampson (Construction Innovation CEO). The focus of this initiative reinforces our CRC's developing international leadership and goal to contribute and network at a global level.