Program B Research Library
Sustainable commercial buildings || Eco-efficient design
Life cycle modelling 
Using data mining techniques in building life-cycle modelling
This project developed and tested a prototype system for the life-cycle modelling of buildings. The research team developed a prototype system and the report documents how and what data mining techniques can be applied, the results of their application and the benefits gained from the system. The report presents the prototype system and documents how and what data mining techniques can be applied to building maintenance data, its results and the benefits of applying such techniques.
The application of the prototype system on building models and their maintenance data (supplied by Construction Innovation industry partners) uses various data mining algorithms and the maintenance data is analysed using interactive visual tools. The application of the prototype system to help in improving maintenance management and building life cycle includes:
A case study of the The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Building No.10 is provided to demonstrate data-mining techniques and test the prototype system.
The project also develops and assesses the integration of data mining with a number of technologies, including agent-based technology, database management systems, object-based CAD systems and 3D virtual environments. The report includes discussion and recommendations of the overall performance and capacity of maintenance data requirements, CAD requirements, the database engine, data-mining algorithms and virtual environments.
Life cycle modelling and design knowledge developed in 3D virtual environments (Industry report)
Improving the management of building life cycle - a data mining approach (Refereed conference paper)
Using data mining to improve building life cycle (Refereed conference paper)
Demonstration of software agents prototype system (Technical report)
Developing software agents for data mining (Technical report)
Life cycle modelling and design knowledge in 3D virtual environments (Technical report)
Using agents for mining maintenance data in virtual environments (Technical report)
Using data mining techniques for improving building life cycle (Technical report)
Using data mining techniques for improving building life cycle (Project report)
AIMM and the CRC for Construction Innovation (Brochure)