Program B Research Library
Sustainable commercial buildings || Regenerating construction
Life prediction of materials 
This project examined the applicability of a case-based reasoning paradigm for a software tool for lifetime prediction of metallic building components. The problem was to combine the two approaches to corrosion prediction so that a variety of sources of data, from studies, from experience and from first principles using the holistic model, can be combined to form the basis of the lifetime prediction tool. In addition, once the predicted lifetime for a particular situation has been determined, then this should be available for future reference. Thus, the required system must be able to store, manipulate and compare numerous use-case scenarios. Case-based reasoning was considered an ideal method for linking together the different data sources and reusing previous experiences in the current context to solve new problems.
The project delivered:
Defining reference service life (Refereed conference paper)
Situated case based reasoning as a constructive memory model for design (Refereed conference paper)
Case based reasoning in construction and infrastructure projects (Industry report)
Case based reasoning in construction and infrastructure projects (Technical report)
Study of a Queensland bridge and foreshore (Project report)
Study of a Queensland school (Project report)