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UPDATE Newsletter Site mapPrint Friendly

Acknowledgement building

Construction Innovation project update

Clients Driving Innovation International Conference

Scholar Corner

Upcoming events in brief

Tall storeys in construction


Construction Innovation partners: Australian Building Codes Board, Arup Australasia,Bovis Lend Lease, Brisbane City Council, Building Commission (Victoria),Brookwater JV, CSIRO, DEM, John Holland, Qld Dept Main Roads, Qld Dept PublicWorks, Qld Dept State Development and Innovation, Qld University of Technology,Rider Hunt, RMIT, The University of Newcastle, The University of Sydney,University of Western Sydney, Woods Bago

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With so much happening over the past few months, I wanted to take this opportunity to mentiona few of the many achievements and events that go towardsshaping the image and profile of our CRC.

On 13 September,our Board Chair, John McCarthy was made a national honorary life memberof the Property Council of Australia (PCA) at Congress 04, the annual PCAconference held in Perth. He shared this acknowledgement from the industry with ourinaugural Chair Jim Service, from whom he took over in December 2001.These honorary life memberships began in 1969, but John and Jim are only theseventh and eighth recipients. Peter Verwer,Chief Executive of PCA made thepresentation speech stating, "these two individuals have not onlyplayed crucial roles in guiding the Property Council to its current strength,but are outstanding leaders in public policymaking in the property andconstruction sectors."Coverage of this event appeared in the 14 September issue of theFinancial Review. Onbehalf of our CRC I'd like to sincerely congratulate both John and Jim on thisprestigious accolade.

John McCarthy has recentlyreturned from Brussels where he represented our CRC on the International Board of the InternationalCouncil for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) and is now alsoservicing their Administration,and Marketing and Communications committees. CIB facilitates internationalexchange and cooperation in research and innovation in the technical, economic,environmental and organisational aspects of building and construction. This level of involvementwith CIB highlights our CRC's growing international profile.

The CIB has alsojust approved the formation of Task Group 58 - Clients and ConstructionInnovation - under the joint coordination of Professor Peter Brandon from theUniversity of Salford and myself. The focus of this initiative reinforces ourCRC's developing international leadership and goal to contribute and network ata global level.

Congratulations to two of our scholars, Marcello Tonelli and Merv Cowley whoreceived awards for their outstanding presentation and paper respectively. Theirachievements are featured in the Scholar Corner further on inthis newsletter.

LCADesign* has beennominated for the YBE 2004 Exemplars Award in the Towards Sustainable Communities category.Good luck to Selwyn Tucker and his team. The winner will be announced, in this andthe other categories on November 23 at the YBE 2004 National Awards Ceremony atthe Sydney Opera House. This nomination complements the LCADesign team'ssuccess in winning the CSIRO Divisional Award 2003-2004for Innovation. It is most fitting that the'Imagining the Future' YBE award category has been sponsored by ConstructionInnovation.

Peter Scuderi andmyself met with Pat Purcell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Hon. RobertSchwarten (Minister for Public Works, Housing and Racing) atScience in Parliament Queensland. The government encouragedparticipation in this event by CRCs, with the view that this is an avenue forpoliticians to gain insights into industry-focussed research. This meeting was animportant opportunity tobetter understand the government's priorities in building procurement andoccupational health and safety.

Our CRC endorsedthe Construction Summit held last week at Coolum where Chris Evans (John HollandGroup), Tony Sidwell (QUT) and I presented.The summit was targeted at dealing with critical challenges for the industrysuch as risk management, procurement program blowouts and safety.The futures-oriented discussionsshowed that the visions in our Construction 2020 initiative are hitting the markwith industry with strong support for the C2020 goals.

Peter Scuderi spoke to an audience of around 140 at the Australian Council ofTall Buildings in Brisbane about Sustainable and Virtual Prototypes. Industry sectors in attendance includedarchitects, engineers and quantity surveyors.

I look forward tomeeting with many of you at our Client'sDriving Innovation International Conference opening in just7 days. Those attending will enjoy invaluablenetworking and information-sharing opportunities across a wide range of themesin the propertyand construction industry. This promises to be an important and enjoyable eventon our calendar.

* Environmental AssessmentSystems for Commercial Buildings (see details below)

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The principal project outcomes for a selection of Program B - Sustainable Built Assets - projectscompleted this calendar year follow. Those from Program C - Delivery andManagement of Built Assets - and our new projects will feature in our December issue.

2001-005-BIndoor Environments: Design, Productivity and Health [Bell, QUT]

This researchfocussed on two areas. One focus was minimising the incidences of Legionelladisease outbreaks by examining new design solutions for commercialair-conditioning cooling towers. The second was the review of internationalliterature on the subject of indoor environments. The weight of evidenceidentified by Construction Innovation indicates a clear positive impact of the indoor environment onhealth and productivity of building occupants. A key conclusion which can bedrawn from the research is that any further study needs to be  broadly-based andin a real working environment, have a strong focus on people and monitoring the environmental variables.

2001-013-B Sustainability and theFuture Building Code of Australia [Ashe, ABCB]
       Participants: Arup Australasia, Building Commission, ABCB,CSIRO,QUT

Stage 1 of the project was aliterature review to collect information regarding international sustainabilityrequirements for buildings as well as state-of-the-art thinking andpractice concerning sustainable building developments. Stage 2 of the projectidentified issues and implications associated with sustainability requirementsfor buildings, and advice on whether provisions are necessary in the BCA21 tomake buildings sustainable.

Stage 2 included workshopsin all capital cities. The workshops involved key stakeholders, such asregulators, local government and representatives from key associations. Themarketing and delivery of all workshops emphasised the partnership that the CRC for Construction Innovation and ABCB haveformed in the shaping of Australias Future Building Code. 

The study successfullyrecommended to the ABCB there was a need for sustainability requirements in theBCA21. It demonstrated the need to control and regulate sustainability alongwith the method to control and regulate it. The ABCB recently announced thatthe BCA21 will include sustainability provisions.

2001-014-B Automated Code Checker [Drogemuller, CSIRO]
Participants:Woods Bagot, ABCB,Building Commission, CSIRO, University of Sydney

The successful completion of the research demonstrated thatautomating sophisticated code checking on building 3D CAD models is feasible. 
The project team have delivered a prototype analysis toolthat checks a suitably developed 3D CAD model for compliance withAS 1428.1
(Design for access and mobility) andprovides a report of the non-compliance aspects of the design.

2002-006-BEnvironmental Assessment Systems for Commercial Buildings [Tucker, CSIRO 

LCADesign is a world-first which provides property professionals with an instantcost and environmental assessment of any commercial building - straight fromits 3D computer graphics - to assistdesign professionals in creating buildings which have minimum impact on theenvironment a benefit to the community at large. This 'green calculator'is linked in real-time to a constantly updated lifecycle inventory of morethan 800 key building materials to obtain an instant read-out of theenvironmental impact of alternatives. The designer can see, for the firsttime, the 'environmental footprint' for the whole building over the lifetimeof the materials it embodies, allowing the designer to choose materialswhich are most effective over their service life environmentally.

Behind theLCADesign tool is an extremely powerful Australian-designed software engine,which searches a constantly-updated register of materials inventory and adatabase of their environmental impact. This database is unique forAustralia,and ensures thatfuture Australian buildings can provide the required services with minimalenvironmental impact to all Australians.  

Thecalculator is being

trialled by Bovis Lend Lease, engineers Arup PL and architects Woods Bagot. Inaddition, Qld Dept of Public Works and NSW Department of Commerce aretesting the prototype, as is Brisbane City Council.

2002-010-B LifePrediction of Building Material Components[Cole, CSIRO]
Participants:John Holland, QDPW, CSIRO,University of Newcastle

Components covered by thedatabase are a representative subset of building materials ranging from nailsand ducting through to roofing, window frames and door handles. The database canbe used by those in the construction industry to provide indicative lifetimes ofcomponents in different environments for use in design and assessment tools. 2002-043-B Smart Buildings for Healthy and Sustainable Workplaces [ Foliente, CSIRO]
Participants:Arup, Bovis Lend Lease,QDPW, CSIRO, QUT

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 Only7 days to go....

Drawing on the experiences of leadingpractitioners and researchers in the built environment,including property and construction industry clients, facility designersand constructors, and facility managers, the International Conference(co-sponsored by Construction Innovation, the CIB and our InternationalConstruction Research Alliance - ICALL) Clients Driving Innovation willoffer a meeting place where ideas can be exchanged, collaborations establishedand knowledge gained. This will be the leading applied research disseminationforum in Australia.

The conference will run from for 25 to 27October 2004 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland. We look forwardto seeing you there.

Go to where the UPDATED program, onlineregistration, anddetails of sponsorshipand trade booths are available. Contact for further information.

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Award winning scholar translating theabstractConstruction Innovation ScholarMarcello Tonelli commenced his Mastersby <Research studies in September 2003 at QUTand is now in the process on articulating into a PhD. His topic isA Framework for the BankingIndustry to identify the Relationships and to Quantify the Effects of CorporateReal Estate Decisions on Business Earnings and is aligned with Program C.

Forecasting Office Building Rental Growth Using aDynamic Approach.He received a cash award plus publication in theSeptember, 2004 issue of the Pacific Rim Property Research Journal (Vol.10, No.3). Heres a few words from him about his research interests.

Mythesis focuses on the application of dynamic modelling to translate theabstract ideas of systems theory into tools for better understandingeconomic and organisational change. In particular, the project is aboutdeveloping a model- and data-driven Decision Support System (DSS) to support thebanking industry in their Corporate Real Estate (CRE) decision-making process.Selection of real estate strategies will be done by comparing key performancemeasures within a balanced scorecard framework.

For further details regarding thisresearch, please feel free to contact Marcello

In 1996,Marcello graduated in Business Administration from the University of Pacific (UOP) inUSA and worked as a consultant on management information systems with a focus onmodel- and data-driven Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Executive SupportSystems (ESS). In 2002, Marcello achieved a Master of Information Technologyfrom James Cook University.

Scholar's best paper

Merv Cowley, Construction Innovation scholar studying for hisMasters by Research, has won the Best Scholars International Conference Paper award for 2004titled Forecasting Property Performance and will be presented at ourClients Driving Innovation conference on 27 October. The prize wasattendance at the CRC Leadership and Career Development residential course inMelbourne.An independent reviewer and a CRC Board member, judged the papers.

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Construction Innovation events

Industry information session Seamless Web of Communication (28 October: Brisbane)

Mr Dennis Lenard, Chief Executive, Constructing Excellence, UK
Ms Elizabeth Whatmore,

Dr KeithHampson, Chief Executive Officer, CRC Construction Innovation

Time:28 Oct. 7:009:30 am
Cost:$59 per person (Corporate tables of ten available one person free: payable byone charge only with no individual accounts, at the advertised rates)
Registration: Email,   Fax : 07 3378 9513

GAMA* + CRC ConstructionInnovation forum (28 October: Brisbane)
A YBE registered event to helpkeep asset and facility managers up to date with the latest research anddevelopments in the industry.
Session 1: Valuing Project Delivery (speakers: Ray Potts, John Collin from QDPW andSteve Rowlinson of QUT), Session 2:Behaviour and communication (speakers: Adrian Kirk from University of Newcastle andDavid Marchant of Woods Bagot)

Venue: 80 George St Conference Room,Brisbane
Time: 8.45 - 12.00

RSVP by 20 October or (07) 3224 5454

*Government AssetManagement Arena

External events

6th International Conference on ManagingPavements (1924October: Brisbane)
Venue: Brisbane Convention &Exhibition Centre, Queensland Australia
For the conference website (including program, online registration andregistration brochure) go

For more information pleasecontact the Conference Manager at OzAccom Conference Services:
Telephone: +61 (0) 7 3854 1611
Facsimile:  +61 (0) 7 3854 1507

YBE2004 Houses of the Future (15-31 October: Sydney, 19November - 5 December: Melbourne)
This is a showcase eventfor the Year of the Built Environment to promote new ways of providingaffordable, environmentally sustainable, prefabricated housing in Australianthat are also futuristic and innovative in their design. Six architect-designedhouses will feature in the Sydney Opera House Forecourt - each constructed from adifferent material: Timber, Glass, Cardboard, Steel, Concrete and Clay.

For group bookings and moreinformation visit:

Australian Institute of BuildingSurveyors National Conference (7-10 November: Hobart)
The AIBS Building aSustainable Tomorrow conference has three sub-themes: Fire and the builtenvironment, Sustainable buildings (Dennis Hogan of the Building Commission willpresenting the paper Way-finding in the built environment) and Buildings- risky business.

Venue: Wrest Point Convention Centre,Hobart

For more information and thepreliminary program go to Email:, P: 03 6224 3773

LABbuild 2004 Conference (9-11 November: Brisbane)
st century. With over 40 overseas andAustralian presenters, LABbuild 2004 offers abalanced, informative and positive environment offering unique networking andcontact opportunities for those involved in the design, construction, fit outand management of research facilities. It will feature LABS21 high performance,low energy design course; site tours; a trade exhibition (with some of theindustrys top suppliers); stream sessions and workshops. The conference dinnerwill include presentations from noted scientists, including Dr Caroline West.

Contact the conference managers,Alison Carney or Krys Henshaw at Organisers Australia on 07 3371 0333 or for details or register through the Internet

 Performance Based Building NetworkNews

International Science Linkages program, are participating in the meetings and activities of the European PerformanceBased Building Network (, coordinated by Greg Foliente of CSIRO, is alsopromoting the application of performance based building in Australia by way ofindustry seminar/workshops, technical working groups and a project website.

 Themain developmental activity in the network is incorporated into seven technicaldomains or working groups:

  1. Building Materials and Components

  2.  IndoorEnvironment

  3. Building Design and Engineering

  4. Environmentally Sustainable Built Environment

  5. Innovation

  6. Legal and Procurement Matters

  7. Building Regulations and Standards

 The domains are predominantly concerned with advancementin the following three key areas:

  • the description of appropriate building performance requirements
  • methods for delivering the required performance (reliable methods and toolsfor design and analysis)
  • methods for verifying that the required performance has been achieved.

Participation in any of the technical domains by interested companies,associations or individuals in the building and construction industry is warmlyinvited. The networkswebsite,,provides extensive resources relating to performance based building.

Aus-PeBBus next industry seminar is being presented on the afternoon ofWednesday 27 October as part of the Clients Driving Innovation International Conference.

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Missing bridge
A disassembledmetal bridge reported missing during a warehouse inventory in Gdansk Poland hasbeen found

Do you knowof a 'tall (but true) storey' or joke from the world of property and construction? Pleasesend to me at

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