Program overview | Projects

 Extension program

A two-year extension program commenced on 1 July 2007 to take full advantage of the CRC Programme's offer to extend Construction Innovation until 30 June 2009. It continues implementation of safety and improved dispute management outcomes, and significantly expands upon our research in the area of digital modelling. Three new digital projects focus on the development of national guidelines for sharing digital data between disciplines based on case-studies of projects using BIM, and the development of a collaborative ICT platform where such data can be shared. The extension program provides a key focus to improve productivity and sustainability in our industry and has significantly strengthened our private sector participation.
Integrated Digital Modelling
Interoperable Standards Development [Isokangas, Thiess] 2007-001-EP
National Guidelines and Case Studies [Fussell, QDPW] 2007-002-EP
Collaboration Platform [Taylor, Nexus Point] 2007-003-EP
Construction Safety
Safety Effectiveness Indicators [Cipolla, John Holland] 2007-005-EP
Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
Dispute Avoidance & Resolution [Collins, Leighton] 2007-006-EP

 Program A : Business and industry development

Multi-outcome Construction Policies [Austen, Curtin] 2006-036-A
Safer Construction [Fleming, John Holland Group] 2005-027-A
Electronic Contract Administration - Legal and Security Issues [Christensen, Queensland University of Technology] 2005-025-A
Modelling Construction Business Performance [Gallery, Queensland University of Technology] 2005-017-A
BSITE: Mobilising Construction [Wakefield, Royal Melbourne Insitute of Technology] 2005-016-A
Construction Industry Business Environment (CIBE) [Brown, Queensland University of TechnologyT] 2004-032-A
Building Research Innovation Technology and Environment (BRITE) [Manley, Queensland University of Technology] 2004-021-A

Supply Chain Sustainability [London, The University of Newcastle] 2004-016-A

Construction Site Safety Culture [Cipolla, John Holland] 2003-050-A
eBusiness Adoption [London, The University of Newcastle] 2003-003-A
eBusiness - Security & Legal Issues [Betts, Queensland University of Technology] 2002-067-A
Internationalisation of Construction Industry Design Firms [London, The University of Newcastle] 2002-066-A
Ethical Construction Procurement [Kirk, The University of Newcastle] 2002-062-A
Value in Project Delivery Systems: Facilitating a Change in Culture [Rowlinson, Queensland University of Technology] 2002-022-A
Critical Success Factors for ICT Mediated Supply Chains [Brewer, The University of Newcastle] 2001-016-A
Innovation Potential, Directions and Implementation in the Building and Construction Product System [Manley, Queensland University of Technology] 2001-012-A
Benchmarking information and communication technology uptake and integration [Brewer, The University of Newcastle] 2001-009-A
Knowledge Management and Innovation Diffusion [Walker, RMIT University] 2001-004-A

 Program B : Sustainable built assets

Your Building [Stapledon, CSIRO] 2005-015-B
Indoor Air Quality Estimator [Tucker, CSIRO] 2004-033-B
SpecNotes and Viewer Extension [ Egan, CSIRO] 2004-014-B
Code Checking - Phase 2 [Ding, CSIRO] 2004-011-B
Microclimate Impacts on the Built Environment [Warner, CRC for Construction Innovation] 2004-003-B
Sustainable Subdivisions - Ventilation [Miller, CSIRO] 2002-077-B
Integrated Sustainable Housing Development [Yang, Queensland University of Technology] 2002-075-B
Sustainable Subdivisions: 1 - Energy Efficient Design [Ambrose, CSIRO] 2002-063-B
Parametric Building Development During Early Design   [Crawford, CSIRO] 2002-060-B
Case Based Reasoning in Construction and Infrastructure Projects [Cole, CSIRO] 2002-059-B
Right-Sizing Airconditioning Systems   [Moller CSIRO] 2002-051-B
Smart Building for Healthy & Sustainable Workplaces [Foliente, CSIRO] 2002-043-B
Team Collaboration in High Bandwidth Virtual Environments [Maher, The University of Sydney] 2002-024-B
Component Life: Delphi Approach to Life Prediction of Building Material Components [Cole, CSIRO] 2002-010-B
Noise Management in Urban Environments [DeSilva, RMIT University] 2002-004-B
Automated Code Checking [Drogemuller, CSIRO] 2001-014-B
Sustainability and the future Building Code of Australia [Ashe, Australian Building Codes Board] 2001-013-B
Environmental Assessment Systems for Commercial Buildings [Tucker, CSIRO] 2001-006-B
Indoor Environments: Design, Productivity and Health [Bell, Queensland University of Technology] 2001-005-B
Life Cycle Modelling and Design Knowledge Development in Virtual Environments [Gero, The University of Sydney] 2001-002-B

 Program C : Delivery and management of built assets

Procurement Method Toolkit [Davis, Curtin] 2006-034-C
Business Drivers for Building Information Models [Wakefield, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology] 2005-033-C
Automated Estimating for Civil Concrete Structures [Drogemuller, CSIRO] 2005-008-C
Off-Site Manufacture in Australia [Fussell, Queensland Department of Public Works] 2005-004-C

Sydney Opera House - FM Exemplar Project [Ballesty, Rider Hunt] 2005-001-C

Wayfinding in the Built Environment - Phase 2 & 3 [Hogan, Building Commission] 2004-028-C
Sustainable Infrastructure for Aggressive Environments [Setunge, RMIT] 2004-018-C
Stage 2 - Managing Information Flows with 3D Models [Drogemuller, CSIRO] 2003-037-C
 Maintenance Cost Prediction for Roads [Kumar, RMIT University] 2003-029-C
Delivering a Re-Life Project [Yang, Queensland University of Technology] 2003-026-C
Enabling Team Collaboration with Pervasive & Mobile Computing [Kajewski, Queensland University of Technology] 2002-057-C
Contract Planning Workbench [Drogemuller, CSIRO] 2002-056-C
Wayfinding in the Built Environment [Hogan, Building Commission (Victoria)] 2002-053-C
Value in Project Delivery Systems - Project Diagnostics [Tsoukas, Arup] 2002-052-C
Feasibility Study Linking Best-Value Procurement Assessment to Outcome Performance Indicators [Dalrymple, RMIT University] 2002-035-C
Decision Support Tools for Concrete Infrastructure Rehabilitation [Setunge, RMIT University] 2002-005-C
Evaluation of Functional Performance in Commercial Buildings [Boyd, Queensland University of Technology] 2001-011-C
Investment Decision Framework for Infrastructure Asset Management [Kumar, RMIT University] 2001-010-C
Project Team Integration: Communication, Coordination and Decision Support [Kajewski, The University of Sydney] 2001-008-C
Managing Information Flows with Models and Virtual Environments [Gero, The University of Sydney] 2001-007-C
Value Alignment Process for Project Delivery[Sidwell, Queensland University of Technology] 2001-003-C